Seductive Sedum

During late summer, sedum species lure honey bees and other pollinators with fields of flowers to a rich nectar banquet. Bees and bumble bees are racing over meadows made of tiny pink and reddish flowers. Taking a look from up close those flowers look like huge fantastic landscapes for grazing animals.

Above: Have a look at my personal favourites from this post.

Sedum flowers come in different shades, from greenish white to deep dark purple. I love the pink-green contrast which adds life to the images. Here I preferred to create a dreamy romantic ambience with slightly warmer colour tones and less contrast.

Viewed from above sedum flowers present themselves as densly packed and highly structured composite flowers offering beautiful patterns in every frame.

Viewed from the side the composite flowers occupy different levels creating landscapes with smooth hills and forests with fleshy broccoli-like tree trunks. Perfect grazing ground for our herds of insect pollinators.

The deep purple sedum varieties are my favourites since I just like strong colours. Especially when they contrast with the complimentary green or colourless backgrounds.
How many bees can you count in these pictures?!