Let’s go hiking, baby!

Another time back home in the Palatinate Forest. The weather was perfect for a little hike. This time we decided to take a trip to the „Geiersteine“ (engl.: vulture rocks) near Annweiler. You will later see why we chose that spot. But on the way up to the rocks I loved to take a look at all the little things along our way: Sweet chestnuts, heather, feeding hover flies, ferns and flowers beyond their time.

Sun bathing rock lizards were our steady companions on the way up. They are everywhere on the withered red sandstone rocks and dart off hastily as soon as you come too close.

The sun shone through the canopy and drew patterns of light and shadow on the rocks and on the forest floor. And the higher we got, the more stunning the views became. I love to rest my eyes on the soft green forest hills that reach all the way to the horizon, contrasting with the wild formations of the red cliffs against the blue sky. Feels like home.

Even on top of the cliffs light and shadow cast interesting effects on rocks and plants. As usual I couldn’t stop taking pictures all the way.

The Geiersteine are part of several sandstone outcrops in the Southern Palatinate Forest, just East of the little village Lug, near Hauenstein. Not far lies the famous historic castle „Trifels“ which can also be seen from the cliffs.