Aperol Spritz

My mum used to go to a little lake nearby to escape the lockdown blues. There’s also a little beach bar run by a quite peculiar staff. However, they do serve proper Aperol Spritz, Germany’s most popular aperitif. Also it is a perfect location to watch the sun go down over the dark hills of the Palatinate Forest. She sent me pictures of her each time she went. Finally, I was able to come with her this summer and immediately understood why she loved this place so much. A perfect opportunity for me to go for a good swim and reward myself with the evening sun caught in my summer drink. Cheers!

Monkey Sunset

I work in a beautiful wine bar and restaurant in one of the historical centres in Brunswick: the Monkey Rosé. We love wine and everything related, but we also want to surprise our guests with new drinks on the side. And since we got bored with the classics like Aperol Spritz, Hugo, Lillet and the like I was looking for more original and less sweet alternatives. Ideally the drink should come along pretty in pink to fit into our colour concept. This year I found vermouth tonic. Both components blend into a fresh and fruity, yet bittersweet combination. I use vermouth rosé which is less spicy, but frutier and lighter than its dark relatives. As toppings I add dried hibiscus flowers and dried rose buds which bring in special floral notes: the rose buds emit an intensive powdery-sweet fragrance and the hibiscus flowers slowly dye the drink deep pink like a beautiful sommer sunset. A thick slice of lemon and the pink rose buds give a rustic charme. Find the recipe at the bottom of the post.

The interieur design and lifestyle magazine of the local newspaper asked us to present our summer drink 2021.

This is the image that was eventually featured in their summer issue.

They posted it also in on their instagram profile. I am a little proud about it. 🙂 Have a look:

And this is actually my personal favourite. I love the perspective, the perfect circle with the blurry edges and the vivid colour contrasts.

Monkey Sunset

  • a large wine or longdrink glass
  • ca. 5 ice cubes
  • 6 cl vermouth rosé (e.g. from Belsazar)
  • 150 ml tonic water (e.g. from Thomas Henry)
  • 1 thick slice of lemon (organic quality)
  • a good pinch of dried hibiscus flowers
  • 3 dried rose buds

A straw prevents the petals from sticking to glass and lips.

Have you tried it, yet?! Did you like it?