
Enjoy my latest uploads!

Lucky Lichens

Lichens are some of the most stunning biological structures you can find in nature. Often, I find myself stopping in the middle of a hike or even on my way to buy groceries, just because some weird looking coating on a log caught my eye. Here are some of the most recent shots: In the…

Build me up Buttercup

What can be more uplifting than a flower meadow in bloom in early June? This meadow is just next to the spot where we were looking for yellow-bellied toads the other day. Walking through it took me back to my untroubled childhood days, when we were spending all day picking flowers and lying in the…

Fond of the pond

So, eventually it happened: I got myself a new camera! I am switching now to the mirrorless Lumix DC G91 from Panasonic. The overall performance, price-value ratio and the compact and versatile body design convinced me to make the purchase. I am still getting used to it, though. Let me show you some of my…

Winter Wonder Venn

Blinding white dendritic structures branch out into a cerulean blue sky, the freezing air bites into the skin on my face, each step leaves a crunching sound in the cold silence. That’s the scenery in the winter landscape of the Belgian Venn around Signal de Botrange. A true winter wonderland dream. We were lucky to…

Vipera berus

It’s been a while that I posted anything. That has been due to the fact that I accepted a new job in Aachen and I had to move and adapt do all the completely new conditions. I am still adapting actually. But one cool thing has happened: I met a cool guy that wanted to…

Seductive Sedum

During late summer, sedum species lure honey bees and other pollinators with fields of flowers to a rich nectar banquet. Bees and bumble bees are racing over meadows made of tiny pink and reddish flowers. Taking a look from up close those flowers look like huge fantastic landscapes for grazing animals. Above: Have a look…

Victorian Quest

Across the street lingers the entrance to a whole different world: the Victorian greenhouses of my city’s botanical garden. Their main attraction is an artificial pond inhabited by the giant water lilly Victoria cruziana. Its enormous leaves cover the main part of the water surface, their rims bend upwards revealing a series of spikes along…


Another post about withered floral structures (see Withered Structures), but this time vertical lines are in the focus …and out of focus as well. The erect floral projections of the lavender flowers (Lavendula sp.) create a forest of slender greyish stalks with the dried flower buds on top. The newly emerging blue green leaves form…


So there’s this little botanical garden in the North of my city. It is quite pretty and they make an effort to make it look all natural, what I especially appreciate. On the sunny days in March I went there to take pictures. I’ve posted some already in Ambassadors of Spring and Withered Structures. Here…

Withered Structures

Spring is not only an ideal time to go out looking for colourful flowers, there are also plenty of floral structures to be found. Withered skeletons of what was once fresh and juicy. Faded colours of what was once bright in bloom. Hydrangeas offer a great motiv for those structures. Here I found some with…

Wird geladen …

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