Fond of the pond

So, eventually it happened: I got myself a new camera! I am switching now to the mirrorless Lumix DC G91 from Panasonic. The overall performance, price-value ratio and the compact and versatile body design convinced me to make the purchase. I am still getting used to it, though. Let me show you some of my first image series.

Just last weekend I went with my hiking and photography buddy to a military training ground near Aachen that is known to harbour the biggest population of the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) in north rhine-westphalia. Hence not suprisingly, we didn’t have to look very long to find numerous toads and tadpoles in the puddles of the tracks left in the mud by tanks and heavy gear. Where the puddles had grown into small ponds, you could easily spot them floating on the surface like tourists chilling on air mattrasses (above).

However, the tinier puddles allowed us to take much closer look at the toads, without getting wet ourselves. With a little patience they popped out from under leaves and hiding places, posing nicely unbothered by our presence.

It really made me happy to see so many of the little fellas again. As a child, I used to look out for them with my cousins behind my grandma’s farm house in Carinthia, Austria. In summer, the little wetland there was full of tiny toadlings. Other than there, I was never able to spot them in the wild.

Where there is water, there are damsel- and dragonflies as well. Especially when the water isn’t home to fish that would feed on the larvae. That day many individuals of the broad-bodied darter (Libellula depressa) were busy securing the continued existence of their population. Only one of them, was taking a rest long enough for to us to take decent shots of it.

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