Grasshopper’s delight

Not only the red basil in mum’s garden offers good opportunities for insect shots. Various trees and shrubs around the house harbour plenty of grasshoppers and it is fun to look for them and find the right light and perspective for nice photographs. Especially after watering the plants, the grasshopers jump out of their hiding spots and are easily spotted. These are mainly members of the family Tettigoniidae also known as „katydids“, which include the characteristic species Tettigonia viridissima, the great green bush-cricket.

What I like about these images is the combination of different shades of green. There are no great colour contrasts, but a spectrum of green shades and structures, reflecting the camouflage strategy of these insects.

I am a bit proud of this image. A green grass hopper within the delicate leaves of a magnolia tree. Looking like an alien life form from a different planet.

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