Into the Garden

The Botanical Garden keeps being a source for inspiration. Have a look for yourself:

This is Volucella zonaria, the hornet mimic hover fly. The biggest and most colourful hover fly of central Europe.

It can be observed in parks and gardens, feeding on nectar.

Here the contrast of complementary colours is striking. I love these contrasts because they put life in an image. Additionally the detailed flower stands out against the blurry background.

A similar contrast is shown here, but it doesn’t appear as lively due to the cooler toning. I also like the two different background colours: green on top and black below. There are different contrasts: first complementary, second colour-noncolour, third light-dark and fourth structured-non-structured. All have different effects.

Snails are wonderful motives. The spiral patterns, the shape and the colours often contrast against their habitat. Here the little garden snail stands out against the parallel lines of the leaves.

Another snail, another contrast. This little yellow snail sits in a forest of purple sedum leaves. Complementary contrast and the position of the focal plane add mystic tension to the image.

Life always finds a way. Two little sprouts conquer a barren rock. Colour vs gray, focus vs blurred areas, delicate structure vs boulder, life vs death. A wonderful motif.

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